Join the Child Inclusive Mediators Roster
It only makes sense that the public, lawyers, and others can find trained Child-Inclusive Mediators. The professionals listed have taken our foundation training for the roster they wish to be listed on.
- When you join one or both rosters you elect to provide information to the public to view your specialty, geographical area and contact information.
- You can also use this site to learn of other professionals who provide this service, connect with them professionally, cross refer to each other, consult, and build your practice.
- We do not vet, qualify or regulate the professionals listed. We are not responsible for the quality of anyone’s work or complaints made against anyone on the roster.
- Any complaints should be addressed to that professional’s licensing body and professional association, not to us.
- Those with a criminal charge or conviction(s) related to a child(ren) or with regard to a client(s) are not permitted to join the rosters and are responsible for declaring this up front.
- This is strictly an information site and we have complete discretion over it at all times.
- All professionals providing these unique services should have adequate professional liability insurance and a vulnerable sector police clearance given that you are working with children in family law matters. It is your responsibility to obtain these before you do this work.
- The fee for your listing on one roster is $75.00 CAD per year.
Roster cancellation request
- We would like you to remain on our roster(s) but if you wish to cancel your annual listing, please send us an email at:
- Please state your name as it appears on the roster(s) and the roster(s) to be delisted from. As well, we would really appreciate the reason for delisting.
Please note:
- Cancellations are considered a termination of your listing and we will remove your information from our roster(s).
- Please note, roster listing is a yearly subscription therefore no refund will be provided for any remaining months/days.
- If you used PayPal to pay for your listing, log into your PayPal account and cancel your subscription to the roster(s).
Get listed
$75.00 plus HST per year