NavOn Services

NavOn helps people of all ages move forward. Our experienced assessors and therapists help people overcome mental health problems, heal from abuse and trauma, cope with interpersonal and family conflict, survive separation and divorce, adjust to their gender identities and sexual orientations, and more.

NavOn councellor speaking with a client
Clinical Assessments

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Austism Spectrum Disorder assessments for children, youth, & adults. Autism symptoms in children. Autism symptoms in adults. Get an autism diagnosis.

Dialecti­cal Behaviour Therapy Program for Youth

Learn how to live in the moment, develop healthy ways to cope with stress, regulate emotions, and improve relationships with others with the DBT Program.

Family Therapy

Improve communication with family, identify family issues with family therapy. Family counselling for trauma & mental health. Improve family wellness.
Separation and DivorceTherapy

Family Therapy for Parent-Child Contact Problems

Child & parent family therapy for resist & refuse & contact problems. Restore contact & relationship between child & parent after separation or conflict.
Forensic Assessments

Immigra­tion Assess­ments

Immigration assessments for psychological symptoms or disorders for Immigration & Refugee Board. Mental health assessments for immigration to Canada.

Indivi­dual Therapy for Children and Youth

Therapy for children & youth for grief & loss & trauma & after separation & divorce. NavOn helps children and youth navigate difficult family experiences.

Individual Therapy for Adults

Therapy for adults with mental health issues, help for adults who experienced trauma, support with interpersonal relationships, & more.
Clinical Assessments

Learning and ADHD

Assessments for children, youth, and adults. ADHD and learning disabilities. Psychoeducational assessment. ADHD in adults. Get an ADHD assessment.
Forensic Assessments

Mental Health and Risk Evalua­tions

Risk evaluations for court, lawyers, service providers. Rehabilitation or service plans. Assessments for domestic violence & violence & sexual violence.
Clinical Assessments

Mental Health Evaluation

Mental health symptoms evaluation assessment for mental health condition diagnosis. Get a mental health evaluation for mental health support and services.
Clinical AssessmentsFASD

Multi-disciplinary FASD Assessment

Comprehensive multi-disciplinary FASD assessments for children, youth, & adults that follow the Canadian Guidelines for FASD Diagnosis Across the Lifespan.
Separation and Divorce

New Ways for Families® (NWFF®)

NWFF® is an evidence-informed program for families experiencing conflict after separation & divorce. Skills to reduce conflict & improve communication.
Forensic Assessments

Parenting Capacity Assess­ment (PCA)

Parenting Capacity Assessment, independent evaluation for courts and CAS about best interests of children. Parenting assessment for risks and needs.
Separation and Divorce

Parenting Coordina­tion

Implement a parenting plan after separation & divorce. Parenting arrangements for divorced parents. Meet with a Parent Coordinator to resolve conflict.
Forensic AssessmentsSeparation and Divorce

Parenting Plan Evalua­tions

An assessment & recommendations about parenting time and decision making to assist parents, lawyers, & the Court about the best interests of the children.

Skills and Chills – FASD Teen Group and Caregiver Support

Chill with peers and learn new social skills with a NavOn coach. The evidence-based program supports youth with FASD and other complex neurodevelopmental disorders.
Forensic AssessmentsSeparation and Divorce

Voice of the Child Reports (VCR)

Learn about your child’s views, perspectives, & preferences for consideration for making decisions & plans about parenting time after separation & divorce.