Immigra­tion Assess­ments



NavOn completes assessments when an opinion about the psychological status of a person is needed for an immigration and refugee board hearing. The individual might have experienced past traumatic experiences in their country of origin that have affected their overall psychological well-being. Sometimes a psychological assessment can be helpful if a person is struggling with psychological symptoms that may affect their ability to recall or recount events during a hearing.

Our assessments evaluate pre- and post-migration experiences and trauma, the presence of psychological symptoms and disorders, the potential psychological impact of being denied residency in Canada, or the need for procedural accommodations during an Immigration and Refugee Board hearing.

What is the process?

An immigration assessment requires the consent of the individual and typically takes two weeks and involves 2-3 in-depth interviews to determine the individual’s immigration situation and to complete psychological measures evaluating depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress. Sometimes a character reference from someone currently living in Canada who knows the individual well is considered and relevant documents may be reviewed.

What is the cost?

Immigration assessments are typically estimated at $2,000 but could cost more or less depending on the complexity of the case. The individual must cover the cost themselves and arrange for a qualified interpreter if needed. Sometimes an immigration consultant can help with coordinating interpreters and providing needed documents for review.

NavOn accepts payment by e-transfer, cheque, credit card (2.4% surcharge applies for credit card payments).

Get started

Our team will answer questions that you might have about NavOn services, and provide information needed to make a referral and book an appointment.