Skills and Chills – FASD Teen Group and Caregiver Support


People with FASD desire social relationships but struggle with social skills and resolving conflicts appropriately. Navigating Onward developed a concurrent 8-week social skills intervention program for youth with FASD based on the evidence-based PEERS program. We adapted the program to meet the unique strengths and needs of those with FASD and complex neurodevelopmental disabilities. We take an evidence-based approach to increasing social skills through direct instruction and opportunities for skill generalization.

Get started

Our team will answer questions that you might have about NavOn services, and provide information needed to make a referral.

What is the cost?

The program is offered with funding support from Health Nexus and offered free of charge. Each youth attends a Clinical Intake Consultation so we can ensure their needs are going to be met by he program. If families are able, we ask that they pay $225 for the clinical intake consultation. This fee for those who are able to pay it will help offset some costs of the program and ensure its sustainability.

Get started

Our team will answer questions that you might have about NavOn services, and provide information needed to make a referral and book an appointment.