NavOn Training Sessions

NavOn training

Upcoming Training Sessions

All NavOn Training Sessions

Building a Deeper Understanding of Self-harm

This session will support clinicians in identifying and delivering evidence-based treatments for self-harm.Did you know that self-harm impacts 14% to 39% of youth? In this advanced course clinicians will grow their understanding of effective interventions for youth who self-harm. Self harm is usually the result of an inability to cope in healthy ways with psychological…

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in Classrooms — 3 Session Training

A Brain- and Strengths-Based Workshop for EducatorsDid you know that an estimated 4% of the population in Canada has Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD); a neurodevelopmental disorder caused by prenatal exposure to alcohol. These individuals have unique learning and behavioural challenges that require support in schools. Teachers are tasked with supporting all types of exceptionalities…

Trauma Informed Care (TIC)

A paradigm shift for understanding children’s behaviorsThis customized workshop will assist professionals to identify trauma and attachment as a driver of externalizing behaviours. This workshop supports reflective practice and encourages front line workers to respond rather than react to children’s emotions, thoughts, and behaviours driven by trauma.A trauma-informed approach shifts the perspective from, “what’s wrong…