Individual Service Providers


Autism Spectrum Disorder

Austism Spectrum Disorder assessments for children, youth, & adults. Autism symptoms in children. Autism symptoms in adults. Get an autism diagnosis.

Learning and ADHD

Assessments for children, youth, and adults. ADHD and learning disabilities. Psychoeducational assessment. ADHD in adults. Get an ADHD assessment.
Separation and Divorce

Parenting Coordina­tion

Implement a parenting plan after separation & divorce. Parenting arrangements for divorced parents. Meet with a Parent Coordinator to resolve conflict.
Separation and Divorce

Family Therapy for Parent-Child Contact Problems

Child & parent family therapy for resist & refuse & contact problems. Restore contact & relationship between child & parent after separation or conflict.
Separation and Divorce

New Ways for Families® (NWFF®)

NWFF® is an evidence-informed program for families experiencing conflict after separation & divorce. Skills to reduce conflict & improve communication.

Family Therapy

Improve communication with family, identify family issues with family therapy. Family counselling for trauma & mental health. Improve family wellness.